Fire detection
The purpose of a fire detection system is to spot and report the signs of an incident, as quickly as possible, in order to reduce the time it takes to activate firefighting measures and limit the impact of any fire.
Automatic fire detectors (AFDs) rely on different technologies that look for the phenomena associated with the outbreak of a fire: combustion gases, smoke, flames, heat, etc.
During a fire, the detector is activated and sends a signal to the fire control centre. On the one hand, that signal is translated into clear information for the user and, on the other, it implements automated actions via a fire safety system (FSS), which can be controlled to protect people and property.
Thanks to its in-house research and development centres and its ongoing pursuit of innovations, DEF offers a very wide range of fire detection systems, designed to meet even the most challenging issues. Between localised, linear and aspirating detection, addressable or conventional, wired or radio, site operators are sure to find an appropriate response to their constraints with DEF.